The European Forum for Religious Education in Schools is a body for pedagogical and religious research and exchange of experiences in the field of school religion teaching. The forum gathers specialists from various European countries who – according to the Statute – meet every two years. The members of the Forum are national experts (scientists, educators) whose research area is related to the issues of religious education conducted in the school environment; persons responsible for teaching religion in the country, region or diocese; managers and directors of training centers and permanent formation of teachers of religion; editors of magazines dealing with the issues of religious education; representatives of national unions of religion teachers and representatives of movements, committees and associations interested in religious education (eg Coordinating Group for Religion in Education in Europa – CoGREE; European Catechetical Team – EEK).
Undertaking current reflection on the determinants of teaching religion in public and private schools in European countries
Every biennial meetings and talks on current topics of scientific importance in relation to the different cultural and school traditions in European countries
Communication, exchange of ideas and projects between Professionals / Experts and Scientists working in various academic institutions in Europe
EuFRES gathers experts from various European countries.